Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Meyers Interview Quotes from January 2012 Empire Magazine

ON WHAT MADE HIM WANT TO JOIN ALIEN: GENESIS CAST: "It's Ridley Scott. It's Sci-Fi. Horror. Space. Anya Camilla Bella. Charlize Theron. Bradley Cooper. Idrs Elba. 3D. What else needs to be said? The story is great. The twists are great. It's dark. Smart. Scary. It will definitely have people talking. I can't wait for everyone to see it."
ON THE NEXT BOND FILM: "The script is really great. It's almost done. Takes Bond back to the 60's. Style wise. They are looking at a real prestigious director. This next one will really delve into Bond's psychological state now that he has had his heart broken. This is the turning point. When you watch the Bourne films or even some of the Bond films, they show you how lonely secret agents are. They have no family. No friends. Their whole life revolves around getting a mission, getting whatever money, weapons, and other equipment they need, going to some strange city in some foreign country, sitting in a hotel, living off takeout and Vodka and fucking some random hooker, waiting until they get the call to go kill who they need to kill. In Quantum (of Solace) we saw Bond as a young guy who never had parents who was still eager for love and family and now he is starting to see that maybe that is not meant for him. He starts to shut down emotionally. He starts to become a guy who only sees women as good for one thing. In this next one, he meets a woman who truly wants to love him. The Bond in Quantum would have left it all for her. This new Bond has trust issues and doesn't want to let her in. He is conflicted. It's a great place, emotionally, to take Bond, that I don't think we've seen before."
ON HIS DATING LIFE: "I'm like of two minds about it right now. On the one hand I feel like after everything I've been through I have seen and done it all so what's the point. Since Mel I been numb, no one has really excited me, truly excited me. Other than Kathleen Roberts. She was special. But Mel was like this amazing puzzle or rubix cube that I wanted to solve. I think alot of people who fall for a bad boy or bad girl, this is apart of the appeal. But the thing is, only one person in this world has the key. Only one person is meant to solve them. And sometimes, sadly, as much as you want it to be, that person might not be you. And you gotta accept that. I feel like a zombie sleep walking through life, waiting for someone to wake me up and shake me out of my funk. (Someone who) really challenges me, excites me, impresses me. Sometimes women in your life can spoil you and you get stuck wanting someone to match up to them. But another part of me just wants the comfort of having a girlfriend, a wife. Having that special someone to talk to everyday at the end of the day. A true partner that you can rely on. The search can get exhausting. I get really envious of the dynamic I see a husband and wife have. How they make decisions together and the teamwork vibe they have. You truly aren't complete until you find your soulmate. That's how I feel. I was joking with a friend the other day, how I might do The Bachelor, haha. Try something different. We'll see."
ON WHAT MADE HIM STORM OFF THE DEVIL'S DOUBLE SET: "Oliver Stone and I have clashed alot while making this film. He is a hard person to work for. He demands alot but he can also be very indecisive and I prefer a director who sticks to one thing that he wants instead of changing his mind all the time. I play two characters which is hard enough and I respect Stone's body of work and knowledge of film and I hope we can pull it together. That day he was just pissing me off and I threw a temper tantrum and walked off. Almost quit the film. We had to stop shooting for a week so I could cool off. I was ready to knock him out."
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Ridley Scott confirms and elaborates on Meyers Injuries

When asked if there's any truth to the rumor that Michael was hurt on set Scott replied: "Well he had a bad scrape. He was riding the motorbikes some of the crew on the ship ride during a scene and he wiped out. He crashed, tipped over, or whatever. It looked pretty bad. He broke his left shoulder, and badly sprained both feet. But the next week he was back and ready to go. He's a quick healer. He was a trooper. I'm sure he will be fine." He was then asked if Meyers ever complained of pain or any discomfort on set and Ridley said "No. Never. He never told me. He just kept on going. Everyone complained about the bio suits, how hard they were to walk in or what have you, but that was a given and something everyone had to deal with, not just him."
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
New Pics from Alien: Genesis and Meyers Quotes!
Empire Magazine's December Issue has a story on Ridley Scott's upcoming sci-fi space epic Alien: Genesis and it includes some photos from the film and they include two photos of Michael in character as his "cyborg" character, who is now confirmed to be named Logan 3.0. Michael is once again sporting blonde hair (the only other time he went blonde for a role was in Popular 3) and it is very long, like back in the days of Hostage/The Village long! No word yet on when we can expect a trailer from the film, which also stars Anya Camilla Bella, Bradley Cooper, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, and Guy Pearce, but it will land in theaters next summer on June 8, 2012. The film will be Michael's first 3D movie.

Michael is also quoted in the article a few times. The first time is about acting like a robot: "It was one of the hardest acting experiences of my career because I had to go against all my natural instincts as an actor. Humans are emotional. They show fear, they show concern. I had to hide all that and be very matter of fact, and cold, with my reactions to all this crazy shit going on all around me. It was very strange." He also elaborates on the physical demands for the part, which may elude to the "injuries" he supposedly suffered that caused him to start taking prescription pain killer medicine AGAIN: "My feet, my legs will never be the same because of this movie. I hope it's nothing too serious but these bio suits they had us wear were very very heavy and walking in them was ridiculous and on top of that my robotic prosthetics I had to wear made it even worse. By the end of the shoot I could hardly stand I had to rest a lot. I took a lot of time off after that shoot just to let my body recover. No role ever fucked up my body like that, and I've done fight training for films like The Fighter and Bond. So that was definitely an unexpected challenge. I'm going to need physical therapy for quite some time."
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Keira Knightley on working with Michael in IF I HAD YOU
At the Toronto International Film Festival Keira Knightley briefly spoke on how her and Michael have different methods of acting and preparing but still have fun together on set. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Michael Sent to and Released from Hospital

This is clearly good news that it was nothing more serious but it also raises many questions. Is his pill addiction arising again? Hopefully not. Also, he did mention at San Diego's recent Comic Con that while filming Alien: Genesis (the Canada film they refer to here) that one of the hardest parts of shooting the film was the heavy astronaut suits and prosthetics he had to wear playing a cyborg and how it was hard on his legs and very tiring, but there was no mention of "injuries" to his feet or legs. As we all know, many pill addicts start their addiction due to physical injuries which make them dependent on the drugs. If he is dealing with lingering pain then his addiction to pills, something he seemed to have kicked for a while, could resurface. That would not be good at all. We pray for Michael's health and will keep you all updated on the matter.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Michael Dating Gina Rage???

Tidbit: For those who don't know, here is some quick info on Gina: Her real name is Gina Joy Ragenelli Carano. She was born April 20, 1982 in Dallas, Texas and moved to Las Vegas, Nevada when she was 13. She is the middle daughter of a former Dallas Cowboys quarterback. Her parents divorced when she was 12. Her father stayed in Dallas and she moved to Las Vegas with her mother and younger sister. It was around that time she began to experiment with alcohol and drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, and other pills to deal with the pain of their divorce and the breakup of the family. She admitted she was partially influenced by her older sister who was at college at the time and was also addicted to drugs at the time. After a tumultuous high school tenure filled with trouble and arrests as well as watching her older sister overdose and almost die, she quit drugs and found solace in fighting and martial arts. She trained very seriously for many years and worked her way up the ranks of Muy Thai fighters. She went on to become a champion fighter in women's MMA and is known as the "Face of Women's MMA". She was undefeated until losing in 2009 to Sylvia "Cyborg" Diaz. Since then she filmed her first feature film Scarred and has not fought since. She continues to model and appear on magazine covers, recently winning "Sexiest Woman in Sports" crowned by Maxim, beating out tennis star Maria Sharapova, U.S. soccer goalie Hope Solo, and race car driver Danica Patrick.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Michael wins SCREAM Award for 007

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
New Interview for August Magazine

Meyers plays a reformed drug addict turn successful restaurant owner in the film who tries to win back Keira's character, his ex-girlfriend from years past in the film, away from her emotionally distant husband (Worthington) who is away on a business trip with his flirtacous co-worker (Huntington). Meyers had to dawn a British accent for the role, something he's done twice before, the first being his very first movie role in Bend It Like Beckham (which also starred Knightley as a love interest for his character) and the second being his turn as James Bond 007 in this summer's Quantum of Solace. Meyers can relate to having to rehabilitate your image to get a female to trust you again. "I have to do it all the time" he says when courting a female who believes the media image of his bad boy womanizing ways is true. He admits he could never be with female friends like Keira Knightley or Olivia Wilde, both of whom he refers to as "like older sisters" because he isn't mature enough yet. "I have to be the man I want to be for a woman of that caliber and class to want to be with me, I know that now". The wise sage who informed him of this, his current squeeze, well former squeeze, Neve O'Reilly...the Irish actress he met on the set of Trust Me in New York this summer who will be his co-star in next year's Oliver Stone thriller The Devil's Double. "She's been a life changing person in my life. A best friend, a lover, everything. She taught me so much and I am forever grateful". The two are no longer together he says but when he informed her of the types of women he wants to be with she informed him "what do you have to offer these types of women?" That's when he realized he was constantly feeling "not good enough" for a reason, because he wasn't. Lately he has been reaching out to L.A.'s homeless, visiting shelters every other day and making friends with a few of them, including an old man named "Bobby", a pregnant 19 year old named "Roxeanne", and a 22 year old named Erica whom he recorded a video with and put on his website. "I wanna participate in charities more. I want to travel. Be more politically aware. More artistic. Just be a more well rounded person whose daily life doesn't revolve around when I'm getting laid next."
Meyers feels every girl he meets has a profound impact on him and the way he sees things, but he is ready to settle down. "I want love, marriage, all that. Not sure if I want kids or not, but I have time to decide. I gotta meet the right girl first". He has had a few offers that he has turned down though. "Oh some girls have hollered", he confesses with a sly smile. After denying to say who for almost 5 minutes, he is persuaded to reveal what Hollywood females have called asking for his attention. "Michelle Rodriguez. She actually e-mailed me once and wanted to go out. I told her I was busy and would get back to her but I never did". When asked why he simply goes "I don't know, not my type". He also name drops The Roommate actress Minka Kelly as a suitor as well. "Minka Kelly tried to get at me but she was with Derek Jeter at the time and I didn't need the drama". He admits a few years ago, he would have not cared whether or not she was in a relationship, but not anymore. "I just don't get a good vibe from her. Never met her but I have heard things and just from watching her interviews and stuff, something about her, something in her eyes, tells me she's arrogant. That's the last thing I need right now."
He admits to the fact that he is in the very early stages of dating a new lady but refuses to name her. "Don't wanna jinx it. In the past I didn't care about saying who I'm dating but now I just wanna keep it to myself." He does confess she is starring in a movie that is coming out this December but she is not really an actress by profession. "She's a tough chick. She could kick my ass, haha. But I like her alot. Physically she's exactly my type and most importantly she has a great laid back personality, confidence, swag, sexy eyes, seductive stare, a dope voice, she's just a cool ass chick." When it comes to dating, he feels emotionally exhausted with it all and hopes this new girl can change that. "I just feel so numb to it all. Like going on dates doesn't even excite me anymore. I feel like I have dated and been with and chased so many girls, it is all so old to me now. There is no excitement there. I feel like it will end the same way it always does...(with me) getting hurt. It's almost boring now. I have been through so much and I don't know how to drop this baggage and be happy again and just be me around someone again without expecting the worst. Neve said I need to stop dating completely and just find myself or whatever, which makes sense. Wait until I feel excited about life and love again, wait until I truly find someone that drives me crazy. But the problem is I'm so addicted to being around women I don't know if I can do that. It's a back and forth battle I struggle with everyday. That's why I am taking it super slow with the girl I am talking to now. I mean SUPER slow. We only been communicating through text and phone for the past month. We will meet up next month sometime. As friends first. Really, just friends. I need to get to know her and let her know me and really do it right. I'm tired of the same old routine. True love needs to grow naturally. Sex is the last thing on my mind right now."
Shockingly, the question he seemed to have least trouble answering was the one I was most afraid of asking. "Do you still love or think about Mel?" I say. He quickly and confidently says "Yea. Of course. I still love the shit out of her. She was the one. I think about her everyday. I don't think you ever truly stop loving someone who leaves you, you just learn to live without them." Meyers smiles as he gazes out the hotel window, almost relieved he was finally able to admit that. "For the longest time I had to pretend I didn't care, but I do care". But he refuses to let Morley and the pain she put him through weigh him down and he has come up with a way to diminish his love for her. "Neve taught me to think about all the things about (Mel) I don't like and amplify them. Realize how these things would not have made me happy, and remind myself that one day I will find someone who has everything I need and none of Mel's mental issues. It really helped."

Michael plans next year after filming in the Middle East wraps to get back in the studio and work on a second follow up album to 2009's Chants of Reign CD. "I really wanna start making music again" he says with an inspired tone to his voice. "That first album was a person on the brink of sanity, on the edge of suicide, and alot of people related to it" he says. "I was in the darkest place you can imagine, but now I want something more positive and uplifting, to tell people, it's gonna be okay". But first he needs a muse. "For me, sadly, my happiness comes from relationships, so I need to be in a good one to write some happy love songs. I'm sick of being depressed, I wanna be happy. I don't know why but I just have a feeling something good is coming in the next year." When I ask if he thinks he will find love soon, he replies "I hope so, I hope so".
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
DJ David Guetta working with Meyers on second Chants of Reign album?

Saturday, October 8, 2011
If I Had You Press Stuff
So this week we can expect to see the main cast of If I Had You make the rounds to promote the film and we want to make it easy for you to catch all the interviews.
-On Monday Rosie Huntington will be on David Letterman.
-On Tuesday Sam Worthington and Keira Knightley will be on The View and that same night Keira will be on Letterman.
-On Wednesday Knightley will be on Jay Leno.
-On Thursday head to to watch Michael and Keira together being interviewed by David Poland for his DP/30 series.
-Moviefone's UNscripted series will feature all four cast members and that interview will air online Friday.
You can also check for brief press junket interviews with them on various movie sites such as and many others. The premiere for the film is Thursday night in Hollywood and we will have photos up Friday.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Michael is apparently continuing his "Change Your Life" self help videos on YouTube. Today he posted a new video saying the following (you can watch it by clicking on the picture below): "Hey everybody. You might know me as actor Michael Reese Meyers. I'm in L.A. right now, by Sunset Boulevard with my new friend Erica. Say Hi Erica. Erica has been homeless for over a year. She is also dealing with a heroine addiction. I played a homeless person in my movie 16 Grams a few years back and from that experience I can tell you that this is no way for anyone to live. Now last year if you all remember I started these How to Change My Life videos helping young boys with their confidence in dealing with girls and I received some lashback for only helping boys. Well girls have problems too and this girl's problems are very critical and I want to help her. Her and her mom haven't been speaking and I recently got Erica a cell phone so she could call her mom. I am helping Erica get a job here in L.A. and a detox center to stay at where she can get food, shelter, and help for her addiction. Once she starts working her mom will let her back home. I think this is a great start for Erica. Erica and I can also keep in contact now that she has this phone. They say the best way to change your own to change someone else's. Try it, and it just might work. See you guys soon, say bye Erica...Bye everybody..."

Friday, September 23, 2011
Michael comments on Kayla's Nude Pics

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Men's Health Interview: "I've lost respect for most women"

There's an old saying that goes: "When the body is tired, exercise the mind". Michael Reese Meyers never heard that one apparently because he just keeps on going. His work schedule is never ending and he is trying to pull a Christian Bale as we speak. He just finished filming Trust Me, a hard hitting drama about two teenage best friends from different walks of life (one comes from a wholesome family and is a virgin, the other a hard partying slutty bad girl from a broken home) who do not know their respective online "boyfriends" are actually the same guy, a middle aged overweight pedophile who has some sinister plans for them when they meet in person. Shaenece Richards, daughter of Denise Richards and Oscar nominated star of last year's Clint Eastwood western remake True Grit, plays the aforementioned goody goody of the two. The pot smoking rebel friend is played by Jennifer Lawrence, the feisty blonde North Carolina born newcomer who stole the show in last year's Winter's Bone (which also got her an Oscar nomination as well), portrayed the young Mystique in this summer's X-Men: First Class, and will be headlining next year's The Hunger Games big screen adaptation.
The balding, fat child predator in his mid 30's in the film is played by none other than Meyers, who people on set proclaim was 'unrecognizable'. Meyers gained almost 20 pounds of fat for the role, then had to shed it immediately for his current project, Alien: Genesis, where he plays a very thin android. Meyers said the weight gain for Trust Me was very difficult ("alot of ice cream and pizza everyday" he says) but dropping it was very easy. "I lost it all in less than a week. It was freaky". Meyers admits "I'm glad I'm only, screen time wise, in very little of each of these films, because this is killing my body. I don't know how Christian Bale does it". Meyers is naturally thin and growing up being frail was his biggest insecurity, along with his voice. "People said I sounded like a girl. It's one of the reasons I change my voice in every role I play. I still hate the sound of (my voice)." Fitness began to play a role in his life as a high schooler who wanted to fit in with the football team, but his metabolism wouldn't allow him to gain much weight. "I ate like a cow, drank protein shakes, took creatine, amino acid pills, lifted weights every single day. And after several months I think I gained a whopping 10 pounds." It took a while for him to grow into his body, and thus his confidence. He is now growing more comfortable with leading man roles, such as being the new Bond since this June's release of Quantum of Solace, but he still enjoys small supporting roles. "Most actors who have achieved what I have aren't doing 15 minute parts like the ones I have in Trust Me or Alien: Genesis. But I enjoy popping up in roles you wouldn't expect. It's like a where's waldo kinda thing, haha. I think it's cool. I just go for the coolness and unique-ness of the role, not necessarily the size of it."
Meyers was reluctant at first to take on the role in Trust Me since it did not pay much (and ultimately ended up paying nearly nothing) but is now gushing over how the film was "by far the best experience I've ever had making a movie". He sites the friendships he made within the cast and all the parties as the main reasons he had such a great time shooting it. Another reason may be the Irish production assistant and aspiring actress he met on set, Neve O'Reilly, whom he calls "fiesty, arrogant, sexy, smart, tough, brunette, everything I'm unfortunately attracted to in a woman". The two became "incredibly close" on set and are "dating" according to him. He says they have been spending almost everyday together since filming wrapped and she will be spending sometime with him in LA when Alien: Genesis wraps. "I'm excited. She's a very interesting girl and she's special. I don't know where we are gonna go but it's fun for now. For the first time I am not trying to control things or worry about the future. She showed me my biggest flaw, my issue with control, and has helped me with it. It's (an) open (relation), we are just doing our thing. No strings. Taking our time. She's real smart and she's taught me alot about life, relationships, my own flaws, and mistakes I've made. Most pretty girls have nothing intelligent to say but she's different. I love that."
In his next film, The Devil's Double, he will have much more than a 15 minute role. He is the star, and will portray TWO characters. The Oliver Stone directed action thriller focuses on the late Uday Hussein, son of the late Iraqi dictator Saddam, who forced a soldier bearing his resemblance named Latif (who also wrote the book the film is based on) to be his body double during a time when assassins were gunning for him. "Uday is Tony Montana on steroids" Meyers says. "He is the human id, out of control. He has whores everywhere, collects Ferraris, does coke every morning, and can pretty much do whatever he wants. He has a hair trigger temper and whipping and torture are his favorite methods of 'discipline' for those who disobey him. But he is also incredibly incompetent as a leader and government representative. His father is ashamed and embarrassed of him and Uday knows this and takes this self loathing out on everyone else around him, including Latif. His psyche is gonna be so much fun to get inside of". Special technology will be used to have Meyers on screen interacting with himself at the same time and he says he cannot wait to "sink his teeth" into both characters. His co-star in the film will be Neve O'Reilly, whom Meyers himself discovered on the set of Trust Me and convinced Stone to let her audition. "I didn't just GIVE her the part. I am not in charge. Oliver is. All I did was get Oliver to let her audition and she won the part, fair and square" says Meyers. "When she told me she was a struggling actress it blew my mind because the night before Oliver and I were on the phone discussing a possible girl to play Moira, the prostitute that Uday called his favorite, who was Irish, that Latif fell in love with and ended up running off with and marrying. It turned out perfect."
But the more Meyers talks about his time on the set of Trust Me the more it seems obvious Neve was not the only woman he was fond of on that shoot. He cannot go 30 seconds without saying something incredibly congratulatory about the film's writer/director Kathleen Roberts (member of the famous Julia/Eric/Emma Roberts clan). But after each compliment, he always pauses, seems to drift off into some really good memory he refuses to share, then seemingly, as if regretting what he just said, quickly changes the subject. When pushed to answer the question about what he liked most about Kathleen (who he affectionately calls "Kat"), Meyers contemplates how forthcoming he wants to be until he visibly loses the ability to keep his feelings inside anymore. "I think she's the most perfect woman I've ever met. I'm not kidding. From the moment we met, I knew, I'm gonna fall for this chick, hard." He mentions her poise, calm demeanor, intelligence, wit, and ambition as the biggest attractions he had toward her, along with her beauty. "I think she has one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen" he adds. We asked him to elaborate on his earlier blog comments that everyone hooked up on the set and if that included him and her. He got incredibly serious and simply replied "she's in a relationship". He continued, "Look, all I can say is..I know it sounds crazy to say this since we only knew each other for a few months and only worked together as director and actor but I honestly believe that I was falling in love with her. She literally has everything I want in a woman. Even hearing her speak put me in a trance. She has such a smooth way of speaking, it like hypnotizes you. Very few women have been able to put me in that mental zone, that state of a pure natural high when you are around them, Mel had it, and Kat had it too. But I guess it wasn't meant to be". When asked if she knows of his feelings, Meyers only would say "I've hinted at it with her in the past but I think she knows now, haha".
Meyers' issues with women have been well documented and he sounds incredibly pessimistic about his chances of finding love. "I hope it's out there. I'm never gonna give up. But I look around and what I see doesn't give me much optimism." When asked what he feels is holding him back he quickly replies "I think I've lost respect for most women. I mean, almost every woman I know or have met, including my own mother, any woman I've dated or tried to date, for the most part, is involved with a man who doesn't treat her all that great. From my experiences, and this is my own personal experiences, I'd say a good 90% of the girls I know in relationships are not happy and it's because she chose a guy who treats her like shit. Whose fault is that? There are so many good guys out here dying to get laid, dying to hold a girl's hand, to be loved, to show a woman their love and respect, and they get the shaft. They get the friend zone, because most women are too stupid and shallow and blind to see what's good for them and it pisses me off. It makes me sick. It's very very strange...the way (women) think." Meyers at this point, knowing he has made a remark that will once again garner him much negative press, seems anxious to end the interview. He pulls out his cell phone to check his Facebook. "I wanna get a head start on all the comments I'm gonna get for this."
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Michael At San Diego's Comic Con: "Kristen and I are Just Friends"

Q: This question is for Michael Reese Meyers. It's been hinted at that both yours and Bradley Cooper's characters are cyborgs. Is there any truth to that?
A: Yes. I don't think I'm spoiling anything by revealing that. It's made pretty obvious when you first meet us in the film what we are and who we are, so yea I can say that. It was cool. It's my second time working with Ridley, we did Kingdom of Heaven together way back in 2004/2005, my second time working with Anya, we did a small film together in 2005 called Laws of Attraction. So it was great to work with them again and to meet people like Charlize, Idris, Bradley, the rest of this amazing cast, and to top it off play a character, a type of character I have never done before, which is always what I'm looking forward to doing as an actor. Stretching myself, my skills, as, as an actor.
Q: This is a question for Michael. Were there any special physical demands you had for playing the role? Bradley mentioned how hard it was for him to go against his actor training of emoting and to hold that in since cyborgs don't have feelings. Was that the same for you?
A: Yea it was, actually. Me and Bradley talked about that alot on set. Also the bikes we had to ride. There are these futuristic motorbike things we ride in the film that are pretty bad ass that we ride around on sometimes and that was insane. I'll remember that as the scariest part of the shoot, at least for me. Aliens or no aliens. It was like learning to ride a motorcycle, and I came on late so I basically had a day to learn how to do it and Charlize was just kicking everyone's asses, haha. I don't know how she got so good. But she's very very competitive, so it was fun having that back and forth with her. But yea my legs were always sore because of heavy prosthetics we had to wear and green screen makeup as well as the astronaut suits on top of that. So just standing for 9 and a half hours a day in all that gear was exhausting. The first few days were hell but your body gets acclimated to it, for the most part.
Q: This one's for Michael. Was it difficult for you to concentrate while filming since you are always in the news for some new controversy or the other plus you had just come off gaining so much weight for your last film. You looked pretty thin in the footage we saw so how did you lose it?
A: Haha, yea I'm Mr. Controversy apparently. Trouble just seems to find me I guess. As far as being in the news, let me just clarify for the press who like to make up stories, Kristen Bell and I are JUST FRIENDS! Write that down. She is a very happily married woman. I flew in town for Comic Con over the weekend and stopped by a bar real quick and saw her in there by herself, had no idea she was gonna be in there, and remember we haven't spoken in like over a year. So we started chatting at around like midnight and next thing ya know it's 3 am. So we left. But paparazzi saw us and made this big thing. It's all really silly to me. And the weight loss, that was a peace of cake. Gaining it was hard because my metabolism is so freakishly fast but losing it took less than a week. It literally just dropped off. So yea that wasn't a problem.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Michael and Kristen Bell spotted leaving LA bar at 3AM

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Michael Questioned by Police After Rooftop Party Gets Raided

Not sure what to make of all this. We know Michael is in Canada filming the new Alien film but he really needs to be careful. I am sure he thought she was 18 but he has not cared about age in the past (Mel was only 16 when they met and Alley Vendetta was 15 when they met). Thankfully he wasn't arrested. If anything more comes out trust that we will update you...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Photos of Michael and Kathleen Roberts from 'Trust Me' wrap party

UPDATE: Michael just tweeted "I dont sleep at night. I work all the time. I flirt with other girls. I do it all to keep my mind off the fact that all I want is YOU #HeDontDeserveYou". Hmmm, wonder who he is talking to????
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
NEW BLOG: "Trust Me" wrap party and shoot struggles

First off, our director Deirdre O'Hara had to leave the project during pre-production after learning she and her husband were expecting a child. This is their first baby (she is in her 50's) and she has been trying to have children for FOREVER and finally has (I have known her for YEARS, always meeting for potential projects, mainly back in 2003 through 2007). I am sooo happy for her. She promoted the writer of the film, Kathleen Roberts (Eric Roberts' daughter, Julia Roberts' niece) to direct. At first she was nervous but she took on the task like a champ! Kat (my nickname for her) was so confident, poised, mature, and prepared. Even though she is only 29 years old and never directed a feature before, she carried herself as if she's been doing this forever. She is so smart and talented it is scary. And she has BIG plans for herself. She wants to make one more film, a sci-fi action thriller, then she will be going into politics. She wants to be the first female U.S. President. She is already going to law school. She is AMAZING (not to mention breathtakingly gorgeous, but that's another story lol).
The shoot was plagued with problems from start to finish. Deirdre's Irish crew stayed on after she left, but that quickly changed when the low budget film ran out of money. Half way through production, we suddenly realized we only had enough funds for principal photography and nothing else. Meaning all cast and crew that stayed on would continue to work for free (including myself). Most of my time on set was hanging around behind the scenes and gaining weight and I did not shoot my brief footage until the end of July so I did not mind. I promised Deirdre and Kat I'd see the project through and I did. But many on the crew could not make that sacrifice, even if they wanted to. None of them were legal American citizens and were only here on work visas, but if you are not getting paid, then technically you are not "working". Sadly, one by one the Irish crew members all started quitting and leaving back to Ireland. One of the few to stay on was Neve O'Reilly who has duel citizenship and I found out she is an actress as well. We became close friends and partied alot together. I got her a role in my Oliver Stone film "The Devil's Double". Anyway, we had to replace them with very inexperienced local people willing to work for nothing. We even had some actors helping out as crew at certain points. It felt like a student film at times lol. This slowed down and complicated production heavily. It's so interesting to go from big studio films that have more money than a shoot like this. It definitely gives you perspective on how far you've come.
Also, we went through three different DP's. The first cinematographer Vanessa Chang left around the time we lost our money citing a "family emergency" as the cause. We originally suspected it was just an excuse she made up and that the lack of pay was really the issue. We were wrong. It turned out she really did have a death in the family afterall. Our second D.P. Kyle Brachmann took over, but she did not last long. It was around this time Kat came down with pnuemonia and missed 3 weeks of filming. Her boyfriend (and the film's co-producer) J.L. Bayez (whom I became INCREDIBLY tight with) took over as co-director while she was out, sharing directing duties with DP Kyle. When Kat returned it was clear she rushed her recovery just to be there to finish the shoot but she was obviously not 100%. She could hardly walk upstairs without being out of breath and often would have coughing fits where she had to be sent off set to rest for a while and get hooked up to a machine that helped her breath. At this point Kyle took it upon herself to take a little too much control of things and both Kat and J.L. realized Kyle was trying too hard to be "in charge" of the film. She was fired and we promoted young and energetic camera assistant Morgan Matlock to D.P. He spent much of the shoot making everyone laugh but he turned out to be an inspired choice as cinematographer and took on the job with great work ethic. He was efficient and made everyone wish he was the D.P. all along. Kat and J.L. "co-directed" the film together for the final weeks of the shoot.
But the film wasn't all hard times and struggle. We had an INSANE amount of fun, especially during the first half of the shoot while I was still gaining weight, Kat was healthy, and the Irish crew was still on board. Those Irish sure know how to party (and drink). Despite the dark tone of this very serious film, we found ways to keep it light on set and to be honest....I have NEVER been around so much sex and debauchery on a movie set...IN MY LIFE! I mean, EVERYONE was hooking up with EVERYONE! Literally. Even people who were in relationships. Not sure how much I can talk about but it was insane. There was also these two Turkish guys who act in the film, my character I play works for them. Their characters run a torture porn site. Well lets just say they were so intense and got so into character, even off camera, that it scared people who were not sure if they were just "acting" or not lol. I even had a weird on set rivalry with one of the actresses who plays the high school bitchy popular girl. We got along fine the first week or so of filming but a Facebook request that clearly was taken the wrong way (maybe she thought I was making a move? lol) suddenly made things awkward between us and we found ourselves avoiding each other on set and playing very weird and crude pranks on each other. I'm 27 years old. I should be above these childish games. People who act like she did will not last long in this industry. Grow up people! I regret stooping to her level.
All in all, despite the drama, we all really had such a great time and it is a shame everyone has to go their separate ways. Meeting Shaenece Richards was a honor and she is going to have such a tremendous career. Jennifer Lawrence too. Great actress and very interesting gal. One thing is for sure...this film changed my life as did the people I met while filming it. I hope I can work with Miss Roberts again and I pray that she, J.L. and I can remain friends for some time, but as these things go in Hollywood, a film set is like a forced family where you bond for 3 months just so you can get it all done, then never see each other again and I know from experience how hard it can be to think you really found a friend but it was all fake. Hopefully that isn't the case here. Definitely more stories to come from this one soon...but until then I am off to outer space with Ridley, Charlize, Bradley, Anya, Idris, and the gang for a while. Also, I hope you all enjoyed the If I Had You trailer. Can't wait for you all to see that film this October. Peace!
Til next time,
-The Chameleon
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Michael and Alley singing 'No Woman No Cry' in Vancouver Hotel

Apparently Michael and Alley arent just doing the nasty in Canada (where he is currently filming Ridley Scott's long awaited sci-fi epic Alien prequel Alien: Genesis) but they are also harmonizing. Here is a video Alley linked to via her twitter of them singing Bob Marley's "No Woman No Cry' together in a Vancouver, Canada hotel. Charlize Theron, who was recently at San Diego's Comic Con promoting the half finished film, can also be spotted in the video making funny faces behind Michael. He looks rather slim, so it clearly didn't take him very long to lose to fat he gained for his role in Trust Me. Rumor has it he plays a cyborg in Alien: Genesis so who knows. Enjoy the video.
Here is the LINK:
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Meyers posts pic of himself with Alley V in ITEM?

Saturday, July 23, 2011
'If I Had You' TRAILER
This weekend the trailer for If I Had You ran with showings of Friends With Benefits in theaters. If you didn't catch it in the theater here it is online! Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Jennifer Lawrence confirms her and Meyers are NOT dating

Monday, July 18, 2011
The Many Women of Michael Reese Meyers
Rolling Stone ran an interesting article on the many relationships of Michael Reese Meyers over the weekend. There is no interview with him but they do a really good rundown of all the females in his lives and the impact they feel those women made on him. Pretty good read, check it out HERE or continue below:
"At only 27 years old, Hollywood actor Michael Reese Meyers is probably just as known for his love of sex and women and numerous female conquests as he for his stellar chameleon-like film performances and two Academy Award nominations. Already on track to surpass legendary tinseltown ladies men such as Warren Beaty, Jack Nicholson, and Robert Redford for sheer quantity, we here at Rolling Stone have decided to take the time to document the many women thus far who have shaped the life of Hollywood's most controversial young actor up to this point." FYI: We leave out his Best Tears co-star Shanade McCarthy since both have admitted that relationship was mainly written for the show.

When They Dated: 2002-2005
How They Met: On the set of Canadian TV series 'Higher Ground'
Impact: She was his first girlfriend and according to him, 'the only girl to ever love him'. To date this is the longest relationship he has had with one woman, three years. The two ended up becoming engaged in the Fall of 2004 but ended their engagement and relationship in June 2005 when her parents decided they were too young to marry and also because Kristen and Michael began to "grow apart". We think she was the high standard of true love he hopes to find again...but hasn't really come close to since.
Where Is She Now?: Kristen is still acting, recently appearing in a cameo role in Scream 4 and just got married to actor Zachary Knighton.
Woman #2: Megan Fox

When They Dated: August 2005 and March - Summer 2006
How They Met: At a party in Los Angeles
Impact: Before Megan Fox was famous for running from giant CGI robots and looking hot doing it, she was a struggling TV sitcom actress and she was Michael's 'rebound' girl after the Kristen Bell breakup. She was a wild child partier and gave Michael a taste of what a bad girl was like. They were merely 'all sex, no commitment' when they first began dating, but after a brief break while he filmed 16 Grams, they reunited for real before he went off to film Popular 3 and she began filming Transformers. It was there she met Brian Austin Green, who was visiting the set of the film, and cheated on Meyers. After he found out he ended it with her. His second straight heart beak. We think his trust in women is starting to become a little shaky at this point.
Where Is She Now?: The Transformers films made her one of the most famous women in the world but her acting in other films (and their lack of box office success) has proven that Megan may have very little staying power in Hollywood without a big hit soon. After being fired (or quitting, depending on who you ask) off of Transformers 3, she married Brian Austin Green, whom she's been with since meeting him in 2006.
Woman #3: Julia Fonda

When They Dated: September 2005-November 2005
How They Met: On the set of their film 16 Grams
Impact: Julia introduced Michael to drugs. She co-wrote and starred in 16 Grams, an autobiographical film about her struggles with heroine and an abusive ex-boyfriend. Fonda, daughter of Bridget Fonda and granddaughter of Peter Fonda, instantly became smitten with Meyers and vice versa. The two began to do cocaine, pills, weed, and many other drugs while filming. She could not battle her demons and went missing after filming wrapped. Meyers slowly went from wanting to help her to being dragged down with her. At this point it became clear that the 'chameleon-like' actor was so desperate for love, he was willing to become a chameleon and become whatever the girl wanted him to be in order for her to love him, even if it took him down a dark and dangerous path. Michael would continue to struggle with cocaine and prescription pill addiction for several years (including a stint in rehab for it).
Where Is She Now?: Sadly, she is dead. She passed away of a drug overdose on January 12, 2006, four months before 16 Grams was released in theaters.

Woman #4: Mandi Sutton
When They Dated: December 2006
How They Met: At a Hugo Boss Fashion Show/Photoshoot
Impact: She's the reason he joined The Best Tears. Well not the whole reason, but it wouldn't have happened without her. While their casual dating only lasted a few weeks and was 'mostly all sex' according to Meyers, it was Mandi, a former American Idol contestant, who informed him about the existence of the new show and that it was holding auditions (she herself auditioned). It was then he decided he wanted to 'get that college experience he never had' and he auditioned for (and ultimately won the part of) the show's lead bad boy, Jayden Prince. He even accepted a role in August Rush (which he has since confessed 'was not much of a challenge or interesting character') mainly so he could spend some time in New York and see what is was like there since he may be living there for a year if he decides to do the show. He ended up staying in the Big Apple for almost a year a half straight, filming August Rush and The Best Tears there in all of 2007 (except for the summer when he briefly visited L.A.) and early 2008 and also The Taking of Pelham 123 there in the spring of 2008. The distance eventually put a strain on his and Mandi's relationship and it never went past the point of casual dating. She eventually left Meyers for her ex-boyfriend and ended up getting pregnant with his child before the two split again for good.
Where Is She Now?: Kansas. Last we heard, she has given up on her singing career to raise her son, whom she gave birth to in 2007. She even had a reality show about her struggles as a single mother which aired in 2008 on CMT (Country Music Television).
When They Dated: Summer 2007 (and briefly again in late Summer 2008 as well as being spotted together during New Year's Eve 2010)
How They Met: She e-mailed him about meeting up after she read somewhere he was interested in doing porn.
Impact: We feel she created the sex addict in him that we now know. Sasha is the world's most famous porn star right now and the two had a very well documented relationship in 2007. Being someone who has very "interesting" types of sex for a living, we are sure her sex life with Meyers was quite...'unique', to say the least. Since meeting her he also began to spend time with other porn stars whom he would frequently have casual sex with for the next several years as his addiction to sex got worse and worse, mainly since every time he tried to have a REAL relationship with 'normal' women, he'd fail miserably. She re-introduced him to the porn world, a place he became familiar with as a 9 year old child, he admitted in an interview, when his father took him to a porn set for the first time.
Where Is She Now?: Sasha still is considered the most well known porn star in the industry, but has branched out as both a producer and director of her own adult films as well as becoming a mainstream actress also, appearing as the star of Steven Soderbergh's 2009 indie drama The Girlfriend Experience as a New York escort and guest starring in a few episodes of season 7 of HBO's hit series Entourage as the girlfriend of Jesse Metcalfe's character Vincent Chase.
Woman #6: Mel Morley

When They Dated: Fall 2007 (and briefly while filming Inception in 2009)
How They Met: On the set of the MTV2 TV series The Best Tears
Impact: Where do we begin? She basically drove Meyers insane. His obsession with the young British actress (cousin of Keira Knightley) began almost from the instant they met in late August 2007 as they began shooting the innovative hit show which was about several troubled young teens and adults who learn to channel their inner demons toward acting. The producers of the show got word that Morley's parents did not approve of her dating someone 7 years older than her (especially since she was half way across the world and they could not supervise her actions) and asked them to end their relationship. Morley was fine with this, Meyers was not. He was sent into an emotional tailspin that many feel he still has yet to truly recover from. The rest of the time on the show he was forbid from any contact with her outside of a handful of scenes they had together in the final episodes of the first season of the show.
He went into a deep depression after he was told he would not be accepted for the second season of the show. He couldn't get through an interview without mentioning her. He famously got her name tattooed on his neck on an episode of LA Ink by celebrity tattoo artist Kat Von D in the Fall of 2008. After going to rehab that winter for an addiction to painkillers he emerged claiming to quit acting for a singing career and released an album with a band called Chants of Reign and the first and second singles were about how his obsession with her caused him to attempt suicide. Morley made a response song that was rather scathing and revealed some not so pleasant facts about their relationship. Rumors emerged he was abusive when audio leaked from the filming of an episode of The Best Tears with Morley claiming Meyers had slapped her in the past.
Talk about the two's tumultuous time together died down...for a while...until it was announced he was replacing Cillian Murphy as her love interest in the sci-fi action thriller Inception. The two apparently had a sexual relationship on the set but nothing more, which of course Meyers wanted. He said the experience caused him to return to cocaine use briefly. The two appeared on The View in 2010 to promote the film together in the show's highest viewed episode ever. There was clearly tension between the two but they seemed to be on ok terms with each other. The two have appeared to have gone their seperate ways for good and refuse to talk about the other in interviews. Morley did admit the two were abusive toward each other in an interview in December 2010 where she confessed to punching Meyers several times during their relationship. When he was being interviewed by James Lipton on Bravo's Inside the Actor's Studio recently, Meyers admitted he 'lost himself for a while' because of her and that she was by far the most interesting and complex person he's ever met. We feel something about her sparked an extreme attraction he could not control and that led to his incredibly unhealthy fixation on her for over two years. Our crack psychologists here at Rolling Stone came up with an interesting theory that her being British may have subliminally triggered his deep rooted and well documented mommy issues since his mother's family heritage can be traced back to England and Meyers has said many times he has an affinity for the culture there, even buying a home there recently (and of course playing a Brit as the new James Bond). Whatever it was, you cannot think Michael Reese Meyers without thinking of her, and vice versa, and for the rest of their careers they will be forever linked to each other. It's hard to tell what Meyers has taken from this relationship. Is she the type of girl he wants to find again or an example of the exact kind of girl he needs to stay away from?
Where Is She Now?: Morley has become one of the most famous female actresses in Hollywood with a rabid die hard fanbase, blowing up in fame from both her time on The Best Tears as well as being cast as the lead Bella Swan in the ultra popular Twilight films. She has also garnered praise for her performances in smaller indie films such as The Runaways, Welcome to the Rileys, and Never Let Me Go. Her numerous romantic relationships continue to be tabloid fodder as well, with her being linked to actors such as her Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson and her Never Let Me Go co-star Andrew Garfield. She is notoriously private about her love life and never admits to who she is with at any given time, probably due to all the scrutiny she received from her time with Meyers.
When They Dated: Fall 2008 and again in Summer 2010
How They Met: At a bar/nightclub in West Hollywood
Impact: We feel Audrina was an easy rebound. His first real relationship after all the drama with Mel. The MTV The Hills reality TV star doesn't seem like the brightest bulb in the box so Meyers probably saw her as someone he could control. But their first go around, which included them showing up together at the Hollywood premiere of Body of Lies, ultimately did not last long as she soon realized he was not over Morley. He tattooed her name on his neck the day after they broke up. They reunited to celebrate his 26th birthday in May 2010 and were also spotted on the beach in Malibu that July. The two seemed to be enjoying a better and longer run until a big blowup in late August 2010 in England on the set of his James Bond film Quantum of Solace. Both were removed from the set after an altercation where there was screaming and a loud 'crashing' noise was heard, like glass breaking. It was discovered a mirror was shattered in the room where they had the fight and Audrina did have head injuries checked by a doctor that night but she denied Meyers did anything to her to cause those injuries, perhaps to cover up his image, or perhaps because it's the truth. No one other than those two knows what really happened in that room. All we know is these two, despite being both from Southern California wealthy families, were not a good match. She was probably just another pretty face he had fun with when he was bored or needed a self esteem pick-me-up. Each time they hooked up, it was right after he had a tough rejection. Just a thought...
Where Is She Now?: She and her dysfunctional family have their own reality show on E! called The Patridge Family (how clever) and she continues to date rockers and surfers as well as delude herself that she has a future in acting (she 'starred' in a supporting role in the straight to DVD sequel to Into the Blue and has a slew of B projects on her slate).
When They Dated: Early Spring 2009 and again in late Fall/Winter 2009
How They Met: On the set of their film The Believers
Impact: More than you may think. On the outside she seems like just another sexy Latina face he dated for the fun of it but apparently these two got VERY close. First off, while filming The Believers, his Oscar nominated performance where he plays a Mexican American ex-convict who turns to Scientology, he lived with her immigrant Dominican family and her to soak up the life of a hispanic immigrant in America. They became like 'brother and sister' according to him. This eventually transformed into something more romantic in 2009 around the time he left rehab and began receiving all the Oscar buzz. The two dated briefly before breaking up but apparently remained good friends, with Meyers then even helping her family and her get an apartment in his Laguna Hills condo complex, making them neighbors. They reunited again as a couple in late 2009 more intensely. Meyers shocked many when he admitted in an early 2010 interview that he had proposed to De La Fuente on Christmas Day 2009 and she turned him down. Whatever these two was real...or at least Meyers thought it was.
We here at Rolling Stone feel she was, at the heart of it, just another band aid for Mel. Remember, when he first met Naomi and was filming The Believers, he had just gotten the Mel tattoo and was about to head to rehab, so he was lonely and she and her family took him in, which probably meant alot to him. Also, when he left rehab, she was there for him. And after filming Inception and getting rejected by Mel AGAIN, he immediately jumps back into De La Fuente's arms and proposes marriage to a girl he's only dated on and off for a few months and only known for slightly over a year??? Something smells like another ego pick-me-up chick.
Where Is She Now?: No one really knows. Probably somewhere shaking her 'bon bon' in a 50 Cent video. De La Fuente started off as a runway and print model before appearing in many rap music videos from 2004 to 2006 as a background girl/dancer. She briefly (and controversially) married actor Edward James Olmos in 2007, a man over 40 years older than her, before divorcing him less than a year later after admitting she only did it to get her green card. She was then 'discovered' by music video and film director Hype Williams to star as Denzel Washington's wife in Williams' 2007 American Gangster film. Meyers saw her performance in the film and hand selected her to play his character's wife in The Believers. She admitted in a 2010 interview for Latin Vibe magazine that she never intended on being an actress and was just happy being a model and 'video girl'. It was Hype Williams who convinced her to appear in American Gangster with the promise that 'her paycheck would save her family from poverty', and that 'he was right'. She also mentioned in that same interview that she had a terrible experience filming The Believers mainly due to director D.J. Caruso's aggressive tactics of making her 'emote' and 'really live the life of a struggling stripper'. Afterwards she swore off acting for good and she has not acted in anything since.
Woman #9: Leighton Meester

When They Dated: They never did.
How They Met: No one is sure.
Impact: This showed Meyers has no problem breaking up a couple. This was also, not a relationship, but a secret hookup, that was supposed to remain secret, until Meester pissed Meyers off. In the summer of 2009 Leighton was informed during a red carpet interview that Michael Reese Meyers had a crush on her and she replied as if he would have no chance with her. Meyers took offense to this and decided to 'leak' a sex tape the two made together back in May 2009 in order to prove that not only that he DID have a chance with her, but he took advantage of it AND filmed it. Meester's reputation took a huge hit and the shocking news essentially ended her then relationship with B5 boy band member Donnie Marangello. Meyers eventually discussed the sex tape on a radio interview where he also apologized for his June 2009 JFK airport arrest for assaulting a paparazzi camera man. All this did for Meester was shatter her 'girl next door' persona and begin her 'bad girl' image which she now wears with pride. As for Meyers, it was just another sexual conquest in a long line of many.
Where Is She Now?: Meester is still quite popular for her acting on the hit TV series Gossip Girl as well as her budding singing career, in which she has two hit singles off her debut album, which was released in September 2010. She also has made the leap to feature films, co-starring with Minka Kelly in last year's Single White Female ripoff 'The Roommate'.

Woman # 10: Famke Jansen
When They Dated: Their 'encounter' occurred sometime in late September/early October 2010
How They Met: On the James Bond set of Quantum of Solace
Impact: Michael playing the homewrecker for the second time. Right after the second (and we assume final) breakup with Audrina and their big fight on the set, Michael didn't waste anytime moving on to his next leading lady. Famke came on the set to mentor actress Rhona Mitra, who played a villainous Bond Girl in the film. Jansen herself played that part in 1996's GoldenEye. Photos surfaced of Meyers and Famke in England kissing and eating out together. The strangest part of the story wasn't even the fact that she is over a decade older than him, but the fact that she is MARRIED. Neither cared and did their thing, until caught. Afterwards both sides kept mum and went their separate ways. Her husband eventually filed for divorce.
Where Is She Now?: Famke rarely acts anymore since appearing in the first X-Men trilogy as Jean Grey. In 2009 she starred as Bruce Willis' ex-wife in Taken, a film that also starred Michael, although the two actors never crossed paths as her scenes were all filmed in America and his in Paris, France. That same year her mother passed away of Pancreatic Cancer and since then she has been one of many celebrities spending much of her time participating in charities created to find a cure for the disease.
When They Dated: December 2010
How They Met: James Franco introduced them to each other
Impact: Mila was Meyers testing himself to see if he could be with the 'funny girl'. Well, he failed his own test, badly. Meyers' best friend and fellow actor James Franco, whose worked with Mila in the past, put the two together in hopes he could settle his hard partying friend Meyers down, but the plan was short lived and very unsuccessful. The two were spotted kissing and laughing in many L.A. restaurants in December 2010 before appearing together at the premiere of Meyers' film The Fighter that same month. Things got even more hot and heavy when the two were discovered to be headed to Miami to spend the Christmas and New Year's holidays with Mila's parents. But once they got there, things cooled off. Out of nowhere, Mila was spotted back in L.A. on Christmas day in tears and photos emerged of Meyers in a Miami nightclub with porn star and ex-girlfriend Sasha Grey. Reports of Mila finding explicit texts between Meyers and Sasha surfaced and it became clear Meyers was not ready to settle down, at least not with Miss Kunis. After a brief war of words between the two via Twitter, the situation died down and the two have since parted ways.
Where Is She Now?: Mila, famous from her days with Ashton Kutcher and Topher Grace on the Fox sitcom 'That 70's Show', is still going strong as one of Hollywood's most in demand comedic actresses. Her romantic comedy Friends With Benefits co-starring Justin Timberlake is being released next week and she is also well known for doing the voice of the teenage daughter Meg from the hit Fox cartoon Family Guy.
Woman #12: Rosie Huntington

When They Dated: February 2011 - March 2011
How They Met: On the set of their film If I Had You
Impact: Not much. As gorgeous as Rosie is, nothing about their brief courtship struck us here at Rolling Stone as incredibly passionate or meaningful. They just seemed like two really hot people who couldn't take their hands off each other. We know Meyers has a thing for British women so it's no shock there he'd be interested in the super model turned actress. The press was all ready to pair Meyers with Keira Knightley, who also stars in their If I Had You film, since she had just come off a breakup with her longtime boyfriend Rupert Friend...and also because of the fact that her and Meyers would be familiar with each other from acting together way back in 2002's Bend It Like Beckham, the first film both actors ever appeared in. But instead, it was Huntington who caught Meyers' eye on set (we also feel the Mel Morley connection would have made it tough for Meyers and Knightley to hook up, that's like screwing your ex's sister or something). Meyers and Huntington spent Valentine's Day 2011 together and were spotted in L.A. shopping, eating out, and doing all the things couples generally do. But quickly Meyers' attention swayed to another and soon Rosie got tired of him going back and forth and she ended things.
Where Is She Now?: Rosie made a huge entrance into Hollywood when she starred in this summer's Transformers 3, replacing Megan Fox. While her performance in the film was nothing special, the movie was a huge box office record breaking success and it garnered her much attention from the media and in June 2011 she was named by Maxim 'the sexiest woman in the world'. This fall her and Meyers will promote their Cameron Crowe film If I Had You but don't expect things to be awkward between the two. If you follow their Twitters the two seem to joke back and forth with one another, so clearly the breakup caused no hard feelings (which is another sign there was no real 'love' there). Who knows if they will rekindle things down the road. Meyers has been known to dip back into the well so-to-speak (he's done so with Mel, Sasha, Naomi, and Audrina).
Woman #13: Demi Lovato

When They Dated: March 2011 to April 2011
How They Met: During a night of bar hopping with his buddy James Franco on St. Patrick's Day 2011
Impact: Demi was clearly a 'relapse'. Meyers had a good thing going with a sexy and up and coming star in Rosie and ruined it by falling for a troubled, former coke snorting Disney star who fell from grace and is trying piece back together her career. Meyers bumped into her when he and Franco saw her on St. Patrick's Day one night at a bar in L.A. as she was hanging out with troubled Hollywood starlet Lindsay Lohan. Meyers and Lovato apparently hit it off very quickly that night and began hanging out immediately...and often. What he failed to mention to her was that he was also dating Rosie Huntington. Meyers claimed to the press recently he was trying to avoid drama and only date British women, yet Demi screwed all of that up. In early April, a video tape was released by Meyers and Demi of them in Las Vegas making out and doing drugs in a hotel room. Many wondered if Meyers was going back to his old destructive ways. The two have not been spotted together since the tape 'leaked' (maybe his handlers told him to cut things off with her) and he doesn't seem to have gone back to drugs. While his brief time with Lovato did not derail his sobriety (at least not more than the one time on the video), it did derail his hopes of becoming a more committed and stable boyfriend.
Where Is She Now?: Like most Disney stars who fall from grace, get caught doing drugs, posing nude, and go to rehab for cutting themselves, Demi has found it hard to get any singing or acting projects going since re-emerging back in the spotlight. Barring anymore sex scandals like the one she had with Meyers, we don't foresee anything positive in her near future.
Woman #14: Rachel McAdams

When They Dated: They never did.
How They Met: She visited him during his 2008 stint in rehab for pill addiction.
Impact: She was Meyers' 'Rosebud'. The 'one that got away'. Crazy thing is, NO ONE KNEW. Rachel is one of Hollywood's 'sweethearts' and other than her long and very famous relationship with her Notebook co-star Ryan Gosling, has not really been linked to anyone famous. She is just a nice girl who is all about the work. Her and Meyers almost met when he was cast in Wes Craven's 2005 airplane thriller Red Eye, which starred McAdams. Meyers had to drop out since his schedule did not allow him the time to film the movie. He was replaced by Cillian Murphy. When Meyers went to rehab in 2008, Rachel, according to him, was the first person to reach out to him. It was here the two became incredibly close friends. They spoke, mostly through text and phone, on and off for the next several months, never seeing each other again until he was cast in Inception.
The two rekindled their friendship on that set and apparently in early 2011 Meyers began to pursue something more than friendship. Despite being involved with both Rosie Huntington and Demi Lovato, Meyers admitted recently via a blog on his site, he began to pursue a relationship with Rachel. Perhaps as a way to win her over and prove he was a changed man, he entered rehab for sex addiction on May 1st, 2011. After spending a month there (during that time she visited him and they went out for dinner) he thought it would be good enough to get her to date him, but sadly, it wasn't. He admitted in that same blog they had a huge fight after she refused to go out with him and their friendship is over. We feel he would have tried to really be the best boyfriend he could have been if she had given him a chance, but perhaps due to his past with women, she couldn't take that leap to believe he had changed.
Where Is She Now?: McAdams is still one of Hollywood's most sought after actresses with many roles in both dramas and romantic comedies. It's clear she is a very talented and beautiful actress who will be around for a longtime and one can only wonder what could have been between her and Meyers.
When They Dated: While they never officially 'dated' they do 'hang out' ALOT
How They Met: At Los Angeles' Galleria Shopping Mall in January 2010
Impact: It is still quite unclear the exact extent of their 'friendship' but she is obviously someone he cares a lot about and spends a great deal of time with. She may be what those in the pimp industry call a 'Bottom Bitch'. In other words, a woman consistently in Meyers' life, despite other outside girlfriends, whom he sleeps with from time to time and trusts a great deal, and maybe even loves to a certain extent, but is not in a real relationship with her. Just keeps her around when he needs his 'fix'. Granted if that's who she is in his life, I do not think that is allowed in his post-sex addict rulebook. She is a rock singer and acted in his 2011 indie film he wrote and directed Look At Me Now where she starred as a girl who is sucked into the porn industry and cannot find her way out. She was once a lesbian but has since claimed she is only 75% lesbian, 25% straight. Oh, and she is only 17 years old. Meyers and her were spotted in March 2010 smoking a bong outside of a movie theater parking lot in L.A. and she has accompanied him to several movie premieres. We include her in this list because she IS a woman (barely) in his life whom he clearly spends a ton of time with and we KNOW they are more than friends. Someone like him would not keep a female in his life, especially not for a long period of time, if he wasn't doing her in some form or fashion. Where these two take this 'friendship with benefits' (which is what we ASSUME it is) is yet to be determined.
Where Is She Now?: Alley is currently in the process of recording her second album with her rock band Secrets and Sunsets which will be called I Bit A Vampire.
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