Okay a few days after Sean Connery, the first actor to play James Bond in film, displayed his less than stellar opinion on Meyers being cast as 007, most recent Bond actor Pierce Brosnan, whom Meyers listed as his favorite Bond actor, gave his reaction to the news, which was decidedly more positive. Brosnan tells the AP, "I spoke to Michael on the phone the day it was announced and gave him my blessing. It's an amazing opportunity and I feel he will do an excellent job. I had the experience of a lifetime playing the role (of Bond) and I can't think of a more talented young chap to replace me. I wish him the best of luck. Bond is in good hands."
Not to sound too skeptical but I'm not sure how genuine this is. Brosnan has been pretty vocal about how upset he was at being fired and how he wanted to continue in the role after appearing in four films as the famous British secret agent. And from what I understand, it is somewhat of a tradition that the previous Bond actor call and congradulate the new Bond actor the day it is announced, so not sure if he did this out of obligation (like when the U.S. President calls the Super Bowl MVP to say congrats) or if he is truly supporting MRM. Either way, thanks Pierce. You've always been a class act. Hope to see you in Percy Jackson 2: The Queen of Spiders and The Thunder Stealer.
-Tidbit: Michael's father is also named Pierce. Weird, I know...
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